Revalidation Guidance and Checklist for Surgeons

To assist you in preparation for revalidation, the RCSEd Revalidation Checklist should be used in conjunction with the guidance below:

Revalidation Guide for Surgery

Produced by the Federation of Surgical Specialty Associations and the three UK surgical royal colleges, the Revalidation Guide for Surgery aims to to bring together in a document the key information on current revalidation requirements and processes in all four nations of the United Kingdom.

This guide aims to answer some of the most frequently asked questions about surgical revalidation. The guide also presents the requirements of revalidation (at the time of publication) and will be subject to change as the GMC, the Department of Health, the surgical royal colleges and other partners update and amend their guidance.

Guidance on Supporting Information for Revalidation for Surgery 

Guidance on Supporting Information for Revalidation for Surgery is based on the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and Faculties Core Guidance for all doctors. The GMC recommends that doctors in specialist practice should consult the supporting information guidance provided by their college or faculty. This guidance amplifies the headings provided by the GMC, by providing additional detail about the GMC requirements and what each college or faculty expects relating to this, based on their specialty expertise. These expectations are laid out under 'Requirements'. Further descriptive information is given under the heading 'Guidance'.

Revalidation Guidance for Trainees

The GMC produced Revalidation Information for Doctors in Training. This can be accessed here.


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