
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh disburse a number of Grants each year to fund research and education for our Members and Fellows.

Find our current Grants portfolio below and unless otherwise stated, apply online.

Ophthalmology Grants

Major Ophthalmology Research Grants, sponsored by RCSEd and Sight Scotland

Major Ophthalmology Grants are sponsored by the College and Sight Scotland. These grants are awarded for Research carried out from Ophthalmologists currently working in Scotland, and all Members and Fellows of the College in good standing.

Applications close on Saturday 31 August 2024.


Small Ophthalmology Research Grant, sponsored by RCSEd and Sight Scotland

Ophthalmology Small Grants are sponsored by the College and Sight Scotland. Applications for Ophthalmology Small Research Support Grants are invited from Ophthalmologists who are Members or Fellows of the College in good standing. The purpose of this grant programme is to fund projects capable of leading to new treatments or improved medical outcomes related to sight.

Applications close on Saturday 31 August 2024.

Submit your application on the Grants and Awards platform here.

For further information, please contact the Research and Grants Co-Ordinator, Development and Partnerships Office by email at

Joint RCSEd - Guts UK Research Grant

RCSEd is excited to announce its partnership with Guts UK with the establishment of the Joint RCSEd - Guts UK Research Grant. Guts UK are currently the only UK charity researching the digestive system, and its diseases, as such this partnership offers an opportunity to work towards our shared values and encourage research in this often forgotten area of medicine and research.

The Joint RCSEd - Guts UK Research Grant will therefore award one successful applicant £10,000 to help fund a 12 month surgical research project.

Applications close on Thursday 5 September 2024.

Submit your application on the Grants and Awards platform here.

For further information, please contact the Research and Grants Co-Ordinator, Development and Partnerships Office by email at

Ethicon Foundation Fund Travel Grants

Ethicon Foundation Fund Travel Grants are awarded to Fellows or Members of the College in good standing, as a contribution towards international travel costs to further enhance a specialty skill or experience which is not normally available in the applicant's own hospital, for a period of between 6 weeks and 12 months (though visits of up to 24 months may be considered). The grant is intended to cover the cost of one economy class return journey up to a value of £1,000.

Successful applicants will normally be Fellows or Members in training grade appointments but more senior applications may be considered at the discretion of the Board. Travel for the sole purpose of attending a scientific meeting will not be supported, and retrospective requests for grants not considered. Applicants must have obtained prior approval for the visit from the appropriate training authority in the country of application. Reports from beneficiaries of these awards can be found here: Previous Awardee Reports.

Applications close on Sunday 12 January 2025.

Submit your application on the Grants and Awards platform here.

For further information, please contact the Research and Grants Co-Ordinator, Development and Partnerships Office by email at

Small Research Pump Priming Grants

The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh invites applications for Small Research Pump Priming Grants, up to £10,000, from surgical trainees and recently appointed consultants. The principle applicant must be a Member or Fellow of the College in good standing.

Grants are awarded for pump priming projects for a period of one year only and research project submissions should satisfy one or more of the College's four priority areas for research:

  • Surgical and Dental translational research
  • Surgical and Dental health services research
  • Research into Surgical and Dental aspects of patient safety, simulation and non-operative technical skills
  • Cancer research of demonstrable direct clinical relevance to the management of solid tumours

It is a condition of the award that a progress report is sent to the College on completion of the period of research.

Applications are currently closed.

FST-ASME Educational Research Grant

The small educational research grants are intended to support evaluation or research into surgical education and training. Projects should either lead directly to improvements in surgical education/training practice or increase our understanding of an aspect of surgical education/training.

Funding will be limited for up to £3,000 for individuals who are Surgical Trainees and Consultants who are Members of FST and/or ASME, in good standing.

Applications are currently closed.

Tom Bereznicki Dental Education Grant

The Faculty of Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh supports educational endeavours for individuals who are Affiliates, Members and Fellows of the Dental Faculty and/or the Faculty of Dental Trainers. Grants (up to £3,000) will be available to defray expenses for those undertaking an appropriate educational qualification.

Applications are currently closed.

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