Supporting your Health and Wellbeing
Your personal health and wellbeing are integral to providing good standards of care to your patients, however your wellbeing can be affected by poor conduct from colleagues. SupportEd is building a series of toolkits to support you in difficult situations.

Anti-Bullying and Undermining Campaign
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh has launched a new anti-bullying and undermining campaign called #LetsRemoveIt, aimed across the whole health service. The College is committed to eradicating bullying and undermining from the surgical and dental professions.
Explore The Hub
Sexual Misconduct in Surgery - Let's Remove It
This UK-wide campaign, launched by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, is designed to raise awareness of Sexual Harassment and encourage zero tolerance of sexual misconduct in healthcare. We ask clinicians to 'Call it Out' if they witness it.
Explore The HubConflict Resolution Skills in Healthcare: Bullying, Undermining and Leadership (Course)
This one-day workshop explores the legal framework and the impact of undermining and bullying in the medical workplace. It will discuss strategies for dealing with conflict and ways in which to manage colleagues and teams if this behaviour is encountered. Convened by the #LetsRemoveIt lead Alice Hartley with Faculty, Ms Rachel Spearing (Barrister) and Mr Andy McCann (Director), DNA Definitive.
Conflict Resolution Course
This course is suitable for all Healthcare Professionals including non-clinical staff.
Book HereSupporting your Education
RCSEd has a wealth of educational tools to develop you throughout your career. We have a variety of courses to support your personal development from preparing for the MRCS through to subspecialty courses to hone your expertise.
If you have developed your own course and are seeking College accreditation, our accreditation team are on hand to support you, while our Faculties deliver professional development resources through education, accreditation and support frameworks.

RCSEd Courses
View the course calendar to browse the diverse range of courses available at RCSEd.
View Course Calendar
RCSEd Course Accreditation
Having a course accredited by the College demonstrates that it meets the same rigorous internal quality assurance processes as those within the College’s educational portfolio. Applicants are required to submit an accreditation application form, along with supporting documentation.
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Faculty of Surgical Trainers
The Faculty of Surgical Trainers (FST) is the first of its kind in the UK and its purpose is to help support and develop surgeons in their role as surgical trainers. It works to increase the profile and recognition of surgical education and training.
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Faculty of Dental Trainers
The purpose of The Faculty of Dental Trainers (FDT) is to enhance patient care and safety by promoting the highest standards of training in dentistry and to support trainers in developing their roles.
Learn MoreSupporting your Career
Whether you are just thinking about getting into Surgery, or you are looking for career stage support from the College, SupportEd aims to offer guidance to help you figure out your next steps.
Starting out:
Reference: Surgical_Training Pathway updated.pdf
General Surgery
- Breast
- Colorectal
- Upper GI
- Endocrine
- Transplant
- Hepatobiliary
Paediatric Surgery
- Neonatal Surgery
- Urology
- Oncology
Cardiothoracic Surgery
- Cardiac
- Thoracic
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Head and Neck
- Craniofacial
- Aesthetic
- Oral
- Maxillofacial
- Otology
- Rhinology
- Laryngology
- Head and Neck Surgery
- Facial Plastics
- Paediatrics
Plastic Surgery
- Congenital
- Trauma
- Oncoplastic
- Aesthetic
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
- Foot and Ankle
- Spine
- Hip
- Knee
- Paediatric
- Trauma
- Upper Limb
- Hand
- Sport Surgery
- Endourology
- Urological Oncology
- Female and Reconstructive Urology
- Andrology
Vascular Surgery
- Paediatrics
- Neuro-oncology
- Functional Neurosurgery
- Neurovascular Surgery
- Trauma
- Skull-base
- Spine
RCSEd is growing a network of Regional Ambassador throughout the UK and internationally.
Your RSA acts as a conduit of information to and from the College and can provide support and guidance on the following:
- Any new College developments or initiatives
- Career advice and support
- Details on e-logbook and e-portfolio
- Updates on professional issues
- How to access College awards, grants and bursaries
- Advice on MRCS and Fellowship Examinations
- Information on upcoming courses, CPD and educational event
Find your nearest Regional Surgical Ambassador (RSA).
The International Postgraduate Deanery (IPD) is dedicated to supporting International Medical Graduates (IMGs) in their training within the UK, as well as assisting NHS Trusts and Health Boards in the development of international doctors.
Our support includes:
- Providing comprehensive pastoral care.
- Ensuring the highest quality of training.
- Sponsoring IMGs for GMC registration, and aiding in their visa application process.
Find out more about International Postgraduate Deanery.
The Dental Faculty has created this diagram to help you identify the relevant RCSEd qualification for the stage of your career.
Dental Specialties
- Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology
- Dental Public Health
- Endodontics
- Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
- Oral Medicine
- Oral Microbiology
- Oral Surgery
- Orthodontics
- Paediatric Dentistry
- Periodontics
- Prosthodontics
- Restorative Dentistry
- Special Care Dentistry
The Faculty of Dental Surgery is committed to supporting your ongoing professional development and promoting the highest standards of patient care. With almost 7,000 Fellows and Members worldwide and an extensive portfolio of exams and courses, as we expand, we must continue to reflect the needs of such a dynamic profession.
Following a recent review of our networks, we have changed the composition and duties of our regional representatives, encompassing support for the whole dental team. For this reason we have recently appointed a network of Dental Ambassadors, representing 17 geographical regions across the UK and Ireland, and international, covering Mediterranean and North Africa, Middle East, East & South East Asia.
The roles our Dental Ambassadors hold are:
- Early Careers Dental Ambassadors
- Dental Team Ambassadors
- Dental Specialty Ambassadors
- International Dental Ambassador
The duties of our Dental Ambassadors:
- Represent their dental community
- Contribute back to their profession
- Shape and influence the direction of the sector
- Build their network and develop their skills
- Support trainees and colleagues in their region
- Organise and support local and national events
Find your nearest UK or International Dental Ambassador.
Ongoing support:
The College’s appointed mentors, ambassadors and advisors can offer individual advice and guidance from a trusted peer. Please follow the links below to learn more about how to get in touch.
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh Surgical Mentoring Scheme connects surgical trainees seeking mentorship with a diverse group of trained surgical mentors from across the UK. This scheme is designed to help surgical trainees unravel their potential and support their professional development.
Learn more about RCSEd Surgical Mentoring Scheme.
The International Surgical Adviser and Tutors are based in regions and countries all over the world. Their role is to act as the representative of the College in their country or region.
They can provide advice and guidance on:
- Career development
- Applying for and participating in RCSEd examinations and courses
- Local contacts in the surgical profession
- Access to RCSEd resources such as webinars or eLogbook
- Professional updates and skills development
- Local networking and events
Find your nearest International Surgical Ambassador (ISA).
RCSEd is growing a network of Regional Ambassador throughout the UK and internationally.
Your RSA acts as a conduit of information to and from the College and can provide support and guidance on the following:
- Any new College developments or initiatives
- Career advice and support
- Details on e-logbook and e-portfolio
- Updates on professional issues
- How to access College awards, grants and bursaries
- Advice on MRCS and Fellowship Examinations
- Information on upcoming courses, CPD and educational event
Find your nearest Regional Surgical Ambassador (RSA).
The Faculty of Dental Surgery is committed to supporting your ongoing professional development and promoting the highest standards of patient care. With almost 7,000 Fellows and Members worldwide and an extensive portfolio of exams and courses, as we expand, we must continue to reflect the needs of such a dynamic profession.
Following a recent review of our networks, we have changed the composition and duties of our regional representatives, encompassing support for the whole dental team. For this reason we have recently appointed a network of Dental Ambassadors, representing 17 geographical regions across the UK and Ireland, and international, covering Mediterranean and North Africa, Middle East, East & South East Asia.
The roles our Dental Ambassadors hold are:
- Early Careers Dental Ambassadors
- Dental Team Ambassadors
- Dental Specialty Ambassadors
- International Dental Ambassador
The duties of our Dental Ambassadors:
- Represent their dental community
- Contribute back to their profession
- Shape and influence the direction of the sector
- Build their network and develop their skills
- Support trainees and colleagues in their region
- Organise and support local and national events
Find your nearest UK or International Dental Ambassador.
Supporting Your Personal Development
The College is here to support you throughout your professional career – from support with getting in to medical school, through to highly specialised courses to develop your expertise within your specialty.
Career Support
The Path from School to Surgery
Learn more about medical school requirements, interview preparation, and the training process to become a surgeon.
Find Out MoreThe Path from School to Dentistry
Coming SoonList of UK Medical Schools
Find a list of medical schools across the UK, Ireland, and Wales.
Find Out MoreHow Can I Get ahead?
There are many things that you can do while you are a medical student to increase your prospects of succeeding in your goal of a career in surgery.
Find Out MoreCareer Advice for Medical Students
Consider joining our Student Affiliate Network, which will provide you with support as you progress through your training.
Find Out MoreFoundation Trainees Surgical Societies UK (FTSS - UK)
A forum and platform for junior doctors considering a surgical career, offering insights into transitioning to core surgical training.
Find Out MoreGeneral Dental Council Support for Students and Trainees
General Dental Council dedicated student and trainee information hub, which provides guidance to help you as you train.
Find Out MoreMRCS OSCE Preparation Course
The MRCS OSCE Preparation Course is aimed at FY2 and above, and primarily those preparing for the Intercollegiate Part B MRCS Examination.
Book HereMFDS Exam
The MFDS exam is an internationally recognised dental qualification which demonstrates completion of foundation/basic postgraduate dental training.
Find Out MoreTrainees' Committee
The RCSEd Trainees’ Committee represents and advocates for trainees, ensuring their perspectives are considered in all College activities.
Find Out MoreYounger Fellows' Group
The YFG connects younger surgeons across disciplines and locations to socialise, engage with College life, and provide feedback to Council.
Find Out MoreFoundation in Surgical Leadership (FSL) Course
The FSL course offers surgeons at all levels the opportunity to enhance leadership skills and contribute to the advancement of surgical practice.
Book HereSAS and Locums Committee
The RCSEd committee for SAS and Locums represents all SAS Doctors, Dentists, Locums, and those working in other similar grades.
Find Out MorePersonal Development
Surgical Specialty Boards (SSBs)
11 SSBs represent interest groups & surgical specialties, ensuring the membership's specialist professional interests have a voice within the College.
Find Out MoreRCSEd Council
The College’s Members of Council come from a range of surgical disciplines and represent the diverse interests across the profession.
Find Out MoreRCSEd Dental Council
The College’s Members of Dental Council come from a range of dental disciplines, representing the diverse interests across the profession.
Find Out MoreOffice Bearers
The Council is the governing body of RCSEd, and represents the professional interests of the College's membership.
Find Out MoreRegional Surgical Ambassadors (RSA)
Your RSA provides support on College developments, career advice, e-logbook, professional updates, awards, MRCS/Fellowship exams, CPD events, & more.
Find Out MoreFaculties
Explore our six diverse faculties, each dedicated to advancing expertise and professional development across key areas of healthcare.
Find Out MoreFunding and Recognition Opportunities
At RCSEd we are proud to offer a range of funding opportunities to support our Members and Fellows in every stage of their careers.
Find Out MoreRCSEd SERI Lab Research Fellows
In 2024, RCSEd launched a new group focused on surgical education research and innovation. Learn more about current and previous research fellows.
Find Out MoreFoundation in Surgical Leadership (FSL) Course
The FSL course offers surgeons at all levels the opportunity to enhance leadership skills and contribute to the advancement of surgical practice.
Book HereSupporting Patient Safety
SupportEd’s key resource for supporting patient safety is through the Patient Safety Group. You can find out about the core work of the Patient Safety Group in improving patient safety and reducing harm here.

Patient Safety at RCSEd
Upholding patient safety and ensuring the highest standards of patient care are core values of the College and at the heart of all the work the College undertakes. Patient safety is embedded in the rigorous professional standards that run through all our educational, examination and audit activities.
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Patient Safety Group
The Patient Safety Group (PSG) exists to ensure that RCSEd’s core professional standards, training and education activities are focused on continuously improving patient safety and reducing harm, coordinating the College’s approach to this global health priority.
Learn MoreFor further information regarding the work of the Policy and Public Affairs Team, please contact:
Supporting Sustainability
The College is committed to supporting surgical teams and services to reduce their carbon footprint and increase sustainability in surgery. Surgery is the most resource intensive healthcare specialty. By reducing the environmental impact of surgery, we can make a sizable difference the environmental impact of healthcare as a whole.
Intercollegiate Green Theatre Checklist
The UK and Ireland surgical colleges have recognised that it is imperative for us to act collectively and urgently to address the climate crisis, particularly as healthcare contributes significantly to global carbon emissions.
Here, we present a compendium of peer-reviewed evidence, guidelines, and policies that inform the interventions included in the Intercollegiate Green Theatre Checklist. This compendium aims to support members of the surgical team in introducing changes in their own operating departments.

Green Theatre Checklist
The checklist is divided into four sections, the first dedicated to anaesthetic care, and the subsequent three looking at preparation for surgery, intra-operative practice and post-operative measures. Download the A4 or A4 Green Theatre Checklist Poster.
View Checklist
Compendium of peer-reviewed evidence, guidelines and policies document
This compendium should support members of the surgical team to introduce changes in their own operating departments. Our recommendations apply the principles of sustainable quality improvement in healthcare, which aim to achieve the “triple bottom line” of environmental, social and economic impacts.
Read HereGreen Surgery Report
The Green Surgery Report is a landmark report that presents the first detailed account of how to reduce the environmental impact of surgical care while maintaining high quality patient care and potentially saving the NHS money.
Read HereGreen Surgery Challenge
The Green Surgery Challenge 2021 was an opportunity for the UK’s surgical community to recognise the value of sustainable healthcare for surgical conditions: to share and promote ways of practising that are less harmful to the environment and our planet and build social sustainability: to continue to transform surgery for the future.
Read Here