Patient Safety

RCSEd is committed to the global health priority of patient safety

All of the work of the College is underpinned by a commitment to improving patient safety. See more on why it is important to us here.  

Patient safety is embedded in our rigorous professional standards

Upholding patient safety and ensuring the highest standards of patient care are core values of the College, with our multidisciplinary patient safety group coordinating the College’s approach to this global health priority. Patient safety is embedded in the rigorous professional standards that run through all our core educational, examination and audit activities. We develop and run specific courses promoting the integration of patient safety training and assessment into the curricula of all surgical specialities – for example human factors training.

Dedicated to improving the delivery of safe surgical care - for staff and patients alike

A critical factor in ensuring patient safety is through improving the wellbeing of the surgical workforce and we are dedicated to improving the delivery of safe surgical care within the working environment for all involved. Through liaising with external bodies, establishing links with sister organisations, publishing influential reports and running sector-wide campaigns we seek to influence healthcare policy to enhance patient safety.

What we do

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Develop training resources and run courses and CPD                                                         

Influence healthcare policy 

  • We published the Improving the working environment for safe surgical care paper, providing recommendations aimed at improving safety in the delivery of surgical treatment and patient care
  • We developed a set of standards to tackle bullying and undermining in healthcare aimed at enhancing patient safety and improving staff wellbeing
  • Our #LetsRemoveIt campaign aims to tackle bullying and harassment in the workplace and to deliver safe and effective patient care
  • Bullying and undermining can have a detrimental effect on patient safety. We collaborated with a range of organisations to produce The Anti-Bullying Alliance resource, providing an overview of the many initiatives designed to tackle bullying and undermining across the sector.
  • Our vigorous lobbying campaign led to MPs voting against unethical, experimental treatments, achieving a significant victory for patient safety
  • We joined 16 other Royal Colleges and medical organisations in writing to the UK Prime Minister to consider the implications for patient safety during the Government's decision making and negotiations with the EU.

Enhance and uphold standards

  • Our Professional Standards Office is responsible for ensuring that our core activities are focusing on continuously improving patient care and surgical standards.

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