RCSEd International Office
The College’s International Office is located in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), on the campus of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). It acts as a hub for the many activities carried out by the College in the ASEAN countries and beyond, and provides a first point of contact for the membership in the region.
The International Office plays a key role in the delivery of the College International Strategy and facilitate the delivery of examinations and courses in Malaysia and work with their counterparts in the UK to develop new courses and new diets. They provide advice about the College’s International Schemes and about the opportunities available for members who wish to apply for grants of for travelling fellowships. They support and coordinate the activities of College Council members, Office-Bearers, Examiners and staff when they are in Malaysia.
The office, which has been open since January 2018, is open to all Fellows and Members who wish to engage with the College. Regular networking events are organised but suggestions and proposals from Fellows and Members are always welcome.
To know more about our activity in Malaysia and in South East Asia, to make suggestions about an event for College members, or to make an enquiry about examinations, courses or international schemes, please contact our International Office Manager at rcsedmalaysia@rcsed.ac.uk.
Tagged with: Malaysia