Guidance for placement of Doctors in Training in the Independent Sector
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Health Education England have released a guidance for placement of Doctors in Training in the Independent Sector.
The NHS has always incorporated education and training with service delivery. The expectation is that multi-professional education for undergraduate and postgraduate health professionals will be designed into all areas where NHS service is delivered. Most NHS hospitals, trusts and foundation trusts employ Doctors in Training (DiT) to help support delivery of care at many levels of service. Training occurs within service delivery as part of a clinical post, supplemented by face-to-face, simulation and lecture-based training as needed, ensuring curricula are fully delivered.
With a clear recognition that the NHS needs to increase its workforce to meet patient demand, future service expansion and to reduce vacancies, and given that the NHS model is one of education and training where patients are cared for, it will be essential to embrace independent sector providers as an extension of that education capacity and specifically if NHS patients are being treated by them.
Read the full guidance here.