RCSEd Responds to GMC SAS and LE Doctors Survey

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10 Jan 2020

Responding to the publication of the GMC’s first ever survey of specialty and associate specialist (SAS) and locally employed (LE) doctors, Victoria Dobie, Chair of the SAS committee of The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh said:

“We welcome the GMC’s comprehensive survey of over 6000 SAS and LE doctors from across the UK, not least because it highlights the crucial, but often overlooked role they play in delivering NHS services. 

“Whilst many felt that they are satisfied with their roles and feel supported by colleagues and leaders, a significant proportion reported difficulties in accessing training and continuous professional development. This is despite the fact that the majority of respondents are taking on activities and responsibilities in addition to patient care, and many are involved in training other medical professionals, including medical undergraduates and doctors on formal training programmes.

“Moreover, many felt burnt out due to their work, and bullying and undermining is a particular challenge experienced by this group.  

 “Nonetheless the information in the survey will improve our understanding of the support required for SAS and LE grade medical staff.  We look forward to working with the GMC and our SAS and LE surgical colleagues to ensure that the SAS Charters are implemented throughout the UK, enabling all doctors to work to their full potential.”

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