JCST Update on COVID-19 and Trainee Progression in 2020

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12 Aug 2020

The Joint Committee on Surgical Training (JCST) have provided an update on their COVID-19 and Trainee Progression in 2020 (update V). Trainees’ wellbeing and provision remains a high priority for all and we are continuing to work to find the safest and most pragmatic solutions. JCST hope this update addresses some of the current queries and offers further support and clarity.

This document includes information on the following:
1. Resuming surgical training
2. Training in the independent sector
3. ARCP management and Outcome 10
4. FRCS and MRCS examinations
5. New surgical curricula – August 2021 implementation, transition arrangements and the MCR
6. National Selection and Person Specifications for 2021
7. GMC’s National Training Survey
8. Wellbeing support
9. Useful links and publications


Read the full document here

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