Press Statements

Press Statements from April 2020

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RCSEd Urges Government to Increase 'COVID-Free Hubs' So Vital Cancer Surgeries Can Continue

The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh has issued the rallying cry after a survey of its fellows showed that a third of those who carry out cancer operations have completely stopped performing these procedures in recent weeks as a result of COVID-19, and 87% have reduced cancer operations.

GOVERNMENT URGED TO INCREASE ‘COVID-FREE HUBS’ SO VITAL CANCER SURGERIES CAN CONTINUE 87% of leading cancer surgeons surveyed say they have reduced operating   The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh is calling on Government to increase the number of ‘COVID-free hubs’ available to patients, so life-saving cancer operations can go ahead.  The…

RCSEd President responds to latest PPE guidance published by Public Health England (PHE)

Professor Michael Griffin OBE, President of The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, responds to the latest PPE guidance published by Public Health England (PHE).

Responding to the latest PPE guidance published by Public Health England (PHE), Professor Michael Griffin OBE, President of The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh said:   “We are deeply concerned about this latest change to the PPE guidance as it has been developed and published without the explicit support of medical Royal Colleges. There …

RCSEd President Statement on the Problem of NHS Staff Stranded Overseas

RCSEd President, Professor Michael Griffin OBE, comments on the problem of NHS staff stranded overseas by the Coronavirus pandemic.

Commenting on the problem of NHS staff stranded overseas by the Coronavirus pandemic, Professor Michael Griffin OBE, President of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh said: “The NHS is facing unparalleled demand, so needs each and every resource available to meet the COVID-19 crisis. Having appropriate numbers of skilled staff is paramoun…

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