FRRHH Membership

Joining The Faculty of Remote, Rural & Humanitarian Healthcare 

In joining FRRHH, you will become part of a prestigious network of professionals focused on developing remote, rural and humanitarian healthcare.

There are a number of professional benefits which come with membership of the Faculty. Please see our frequently asked questions for more information.

Membership and Fellowship Awards

Now closed for applications. 

Be first to hear about our next application window by requesting subscription to our FRRHH Newsletter at 


Membership Categories


Are you an RCSEd Member or Fellow?

If yes, then you can become a Faculty of Remote, Rural & Humanitarian Affiliate, Member or Fellow for FREE! You just need to pay a one-off joining fee of £100. 

    • Fellow
    • From £135 (UK)
    • Eligibility for Fellowship:

      Currently closed for application.


    • Member
    • From £110 (UK)
    • Eligibility for Membership:


      Currently closed for application.

    • Affiliate
    • From £55 (UK)
    • Eligibility includes

      An interest in remote, rural and humanitarian healthcare

    • Affiliate - Trainee
    • From £25 (UK)
    • Eligibility includes

      An interest in remote, rural and humanitarian healthcare


    • Affiliate - Student
    • From £10 (UK)
    • Eligibility includes

      An interest in remote, rural and humanitarian healthcare

The Faculty’s approach to developing remote, rural and humanitarian healthcare is collaborative and inclusive. We aim to have meaningful partnerships with any organisations that support improving health for those living and working in remote, rural and humanitarian healthcare contexts. To achieve this, we will facilitate active networks with representation from the different facets of the faculty’s audience; private, public, and charitable/NGO organisations from across the globe.

Although this audience may be very diverse and globally disperse, the challenges are the same. We hope that developing an active group of organisational members will help to facilitate sharing best practice, the creation of shared research, innovation and co working required to support the development of remote, rural and humanitarian healthcare.

The faculty is guided by a wealth of diverse global expertise from public health, private and third sector representatives who carry extensive experiences in remote, rural and humanitarian healthcare.

Organisational members will be exposed to regular networking opportunities that bring these world experts together from a range of different fields and perspectives all with the single goal of improving remote, rural and humanitarian healthcare. We look forward to welcoming you to the faculty and sharing development projects with you which will offer further weight to your organisational membership.

    • FRRHH Organisation Membership
    • From £1000 (UK)
    • Support the important work of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, Faculty of Remote, Rural and Humanitarian Healthcare on behalf of people living in remote and rural areas.

      To find out more or secure your position as an Organisational member, please get in touch with our faculty team.

Need to speak to someone? Contact our Team

You might find the answer to your query via our frequently asked questions, if not, please email a member of the FRRHH team at to discuss this further.

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