RCSEd Retirement Benefits Pension Scheme
The latest Chairman’s statement in respect of the RCSEd Retirement Benefits Pension Scheme, which covers the period from 6th Oct 2022 to 5th Oct 2023, can be found below.
Please note that this scheme has been closed to new entrants for a number of years.
These documents are provided in compliance with the requirements set by The Pensions Regulator (TPR) for two former occupational pension schemes we managed.
The College’s current Pension Scheme provider is the Peoples Pension and the College is not required to prepare a Chair’s Statement or SIP for this scheme.
RCSEd Retirement Benefits Pension Scheme: Statement of Investment Principles
Please find the revised Statement of Investment principles (SIP) which covers the College occupational pension scheme only.
RCSEd Retirement Benefits Pension Scheme: Implementation Statement
This statement sets out how, and the extent to which, the engagement policy in the Statement of Investment Principles (‘SIP’) produced by the Trustee of the Scheme has been followed during the period from 05/10/2022 to 05/10/2023 (the “Scheme Year”). The statement has been produced in accordance with the Occupational Pension Schemes (Disclosure of Information)
Regulations and guidance published by the Pensions Regulator.