The RCSEd Faculty of Dental Surgery Visit Ajman University in UAE

The RCSEd Faculty of Dental Surgery Visit Ajman University in UAE

The Faculty of Dental Surgery visited Ajman University College of Dentistry in the UAE this month to meet with the Vice-Chair of Academic Affairs, Dean of the Dental School and University colleagues.

Discussions on how to expand relationships, view campus facilities and visit the Student Hub took place in this positive meeting. The College of Dentistry is the first dental college in the UAE, established in 1997, with close to 1000 students and trainees, and has the single largest dental hospital in the country.

RCSEd Dental Dean, Professor Phil Taylor commented:

"We were very pleased to be able to view the excellent facilities and discuss the details of the courses offered at this university and were very encouraged by our discussions around future cooperation with examinations and possible accreditation of their training courses. We were honoured to be greeted by the Dental Dean and the Vice Chancellor of the university for very informative discussions around the issues faced by dental trainees in the Gulf region."

Ajman University was established in 1988 as the first private university in the GCC, also being the first university in the UAE to admit expatriate students. Their institution continues to be a pioneer for inclusion, innovation, and social impact. In 2020, Ajman University became one of the first six higher education institutions in the world to receive global accreditation from the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), UK’s independent body and a global leader in quality assurance for higher education.

The RCSEd Faculty of Dental Surgery look forward to further development and strengthening relationships with Ajman University College of Dentistry, in helping to promote dental education and patent safety across the Globe.

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