The RCSEd Faculty of Dental Surgery visit Sri Lanka, Bangalore and Chennai

The RCSEd Faculty of Dental Surgery visit Sri Lanka, Bangalore and Chennai

 The RCSEd Faculty of Dental Surgery visited Sri Lanka, Bangalore and Chennai at the end of June and early July, with the aim to continue to grow lasting relationships and deliver better dental care and education across the globe. Attending were Professor Philip Taylor – Dental Dean, Professor Grant McIntyre – Vice-Dean and Doctor Lochana Nanayakkara – Convener of Dental Education.

Professor Philip Taylor quoted:

"South East Asia not only has a large population, but is very important strategically and geographically for the College. We were very fortunate to meet some of the most important Dental leaders in the area during our trip and cemented closer relationships for the Faculty. The challenge now is to follow up on the discussions we had there to make our visions for the future a reality." 

The trip commenced by attending the 90th Year Sri Lanka Dental Association International Dental Conference (SLDA) where the Faculty attended lectures, held talks and exhibited over the three-day event. This year's theme was 'Expanding the Horizon in Dentistry' , and it attracted delegates from around the world to share the most up-to-date information regarding scientific advances in dentistry.

The SLDA conference was a perfect opportunity for the Faculty to support the future generation of dentists by providing free FDS Affiliation to all final year undergraduate dental students, assisting them in scaling the summit of their dental career by providing education and resources, which has always been a key focus within the Faculty.

The Faculty also hosted its first-ever conference in Bangalore, India. This full day, well attended event entitled 'Multidisciplinary Dentistry', which welcomed delegates from all over the region, organised with the invaluable assistance from our International Dental Ambassadors. With a packed programme of lectures and Q&A, the day also provided a perfect opportunity for the delegates to meet the Faculty in an informal and welcoming environment.

The final destination on the trip was Chennai in India, where the Faculty visited the Sri Ramachandra Dental College and Hospital, the dental students had created an amazing RCSEd sand art gesture which took a painstaking 3 days to create to welcome the Faculty. Founded in 1995, the College supports Undergraduate and Postgraduate training which make this a highly regarded institution across India. With patient care at its heart and a passion for improving dental healthcare, the Dental Faculty look forward to a lasting relationship with Sri Ramachandra Dental College going forward.

The Dental Faculty concluded their visit to India with their second visit to the extensive Saveetha Dental College campus. The College treats up to 50,000 patients a month, hosts a Virtual Reality and Simulation Academy which is India’s most advanced VR simulation lab and also features India’s first printer for surgical reconstruction. With advanced technological dental facilities, equipment and a wealth of progressive education on offer, the Faculty got to experience first-hand just what this remarkable College does on a day-to-day basis and forged positive relations.

We look forward to working closely with our friends both old and new in this region to forward all aspects of our joint aims to improve Dental Education across the region.

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