Beyond COVID-19: Impact & Innovation

Beyond COVID-19: Impact & Innovation

It is an exciting time at the College, as we get closer to our first international conference – a crucial and highly-anticipated event for RCSEd as our worldwide membership approaches 29,000 and international activity continues to grow.

On 6-8 of October this year, Chennai, in Southern India, will welcome over 1,500 healthcare leaders from across the globe, joining forces to deliberate the state of surgery as it undergoes its own metamorphosis brought upon by an ever-changing reality. Our event, ‘Beyond COVID-19: Impact & Innovation’, will be a watershed moment in the navigation of the post-COVID surgical landscape.

Chennai is commonly referred to as India’s Health Capital, so it is a natural gathering point for the leaders in our fields to congregate. The conference itself finds its home in the impressive ITC Grand Chola, a mere five miles from Chennai International Airport.

There will be more than one hundred speakers over the three-day event, including College officials, representatives from the major surgical and dental organisations and many fellow surgeons and dentists at all stages of their careers.

Our president, who led the College through the pandemic, Professor Michael Griffin OBE, will be opening the three-day affair, whilst the dentistry talks will be opened by our Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Professor Phil Taylor.

We will also be joined by industry leaders, like the founder of the humanitarian charity ‘UK-Med’, Professor Tony Redmond, as well as University of Toronto Professor and Innovator in Cardiac Surgery, Tirone David.

This will be a fantastic opportunity to come together with others in our field, from all over the world, to look to the future and discuss the lessons learned over the last two years, as we continue the recovery from the pandemic.

The significance of such an event is not to be understated. There are reams of evidence to show that holding events such as these in person offers a plethora of advantages, from detailed interpretation of others’ ideas, to enhanced feelings of credibility and trust.

We want to provide a platform to harbor a sense of collaboration and to share information in an environment where ideas can flow with no resistance, and the conference will be the perfect forum to do this. The medical profession’s strength is in its cooperation and collaboration, and by creating this kind of event, we hope to spark a brighter future.

This event is expected to prove extremely popular, so it is recommended that those who are interested in attending register their interest early. 

We hope to see you there and look forward to the first in what we hope will become a long series of international conferences.

For more information, or to book your spot, visit


Mr. Pala Rajesh, Vice-President of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

 Issued by tigerbond on behalf of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.  

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