Exam Details - Membership in Orthodontics (MOrth) Part A

Changes to the Part B Examination Structure from November 2022

Please note that that the current Component 2, the clinical case histories examination, will cease and a new mechanics examination will replace it. To find out more, click here.

Membership in Orthodontics (MOrth) Part A

The Membership in Orthodontics (MOrth) exam assesses a candidate’s core knowledge and competence in the field of orthodontics at a level expected of a specialist practitioner. Passing this exam demonstrates a high level of expertise in the planning and carrying out orthodontic treatment. 

The Examination consists of two parts, Part A and Part B. Both Parts of the Examination must be passed for the award of Membership.

Exam Benefits

  • Opportunity to demonstrate a core knowledge of Orthodontics and to exhibit a high level of competence in the planning and provision of orthodontic treatment
  • Candidates who are successful in both parts of this exam will be granted Membership of the Faculty of Dental Surgery of the College (on payment of such election fee and annual subscription)

Exam Format

The Membership in Orthodontics Part A is a written exam of four hours duration. It consists of two papers, each of two hours duration, taken on the same day. There is a 30 minute comfort break between papers. Each paper includes 90 Short Best Answer (SBA) questions related to topics specified in the learning outcomes.


Exam Fee: £300

Exam Eligibility

To be eligible to enter for the Membership Examination, all candidates must:

  • Possess a primary dental qualification that is acceptable to the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.
  • Have satisfactorily completed a period of three years full-time (or part-time equivalent) in appropriate posts, courses and programmes of specialty training. Candidates may, however, enter themselves for Part A after two-years (or part-time equivalent) at the time of sitting, provided their programme director has signed their application form to suggest satisfactory progress has been achieved in their programme. 

Full eligibility details can be found in the exam documentation.

Candidates will be permitted a maximum of six attempts at the Part A exam.

Additional Information

Before applying for this exam, please ensure you have read and understood the relevant documentation.

Our Exam Policies and Procedures page will provide you with more general information about sitting an exam at the College.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to do the written Exam even if I am on a recognised Training course?

YES, from October 2019 you will be required to do the Part A written component as part of the MOrth exam. In 2020 this becomes a standalone component (Part A), which may be taken separately form a clinical diet if preferred. There are no longer exemptions anymore from this component excepting for candidates who have already passed the written component of the RCSEd examination under the previous Regulations.

When can I do it?

You can do the written after completing two-years full-time (or part-time equivalent) in appropriate posts, courses and programmes of specialty training at the time of sitting. You can do it at the same time as you do the clinical exam or prior to the clinical exam provided you have done the appropriate length of training. You should be aware however that the written examination will cover the full three-year curriculum.

Do I have to pay extra for the written?

If you do it at the same time as the clinical exam at the same centre (or directly adjacent to an applicable clinical diet at the same centre) there is NO extra charge. If you do it SEPARATELY as a standalone centre/diet from the clinical component, you will be required to pay the fee of £250.

Where can I do the written?

There are a number of centres within the UK (currently Edinburgh, Belfast, Birmingham, Liverpool, London, Newcastle ) and around the world. (click here for the full list of available centres per diet). The exam will be held concurrently at all centres at each diet.

What is the benefit of doing the written early?
  • Peace of mind? you have passed the written prior to the clinical exam.
  • You get a discount on the MOrth process course on 1 st & 2nd Feb 2019.

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Get in touch

If you have any questions about this exam, please contact us and a member of our Examinations team will be happy to help you.

The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
Examinations Section

Phone: +44 (0)131 527 1600
Fax: +44 (0)131 527 6406

Email: orthodontics@rcsed.ac.uk