Finalists Confirmed for the RCSEd & Medtronic 2022/2023 Surgical Skills Competition

Finalists Confirmed for the RCSEd & Medtronic 2022/2023 Surgical Skills Competition

Following two exciting heats that put competitors' knowledge and abilities to the test, we can now confirm the grand finalists of the RCSEd & Medtronic 2022/2023 Surgical Skills Competition! 

The competition, a collaboration between the College and Medtronic, provides medical students with the chance to stretch their skills by competing against their peers from across the UK. Stage one saw participants completing an online quiz, with the highest scoring students from each medical school progressing to the next stage. These students were then sent a ‘skills box’ containing both surgical equipment and synthetic organs, and were then given four weeks to practice a set of skills and upload a video of themselves demonstrating these skills to the best of their ability. 

We are delighted that the following students will be competing in our Grand Final in Edinburgh on Saturday 15 April 2023:

Adrija De - University of Nottingham School of Medicine


Alex Martindale - Brighton and Sussex Medical School

Ariyan Hoque - University College London Medical School

Chloe Anderton - University of Leeds School of Medicine

Courtney Brick - University of Leicester Medical School

Daniel Davidson - University of Dundee School of Medicine

Eimante Raupelyte - St George's, University of London

Eleanor Ferris - University of Oxford Medical Sciences Division

Ellen Reynolds - Kent and Medway Medical School

Esme Milton - University of Manchester Medical School

Euan Ramsey - University of Aberdeen School of Medicine and Dentistry

Fay Fathima Imtiaz Fareed - University of Buckingham Medical School

George Cooper - The University of Edinburgh Medical School

Hamzah Aslam - University of St Andrews School of Medicine

Imogen Seago - University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine

India Mayhook-Walker - University of Sheffield Medical School

James Lindley - Keele University School of Medicine

Jeffrey Turner - Hull York Medical School

Kathryn Orobosa-Ogbeide - University of Liverpool School of Medicine

Lorenzo Verani - Imperial College London Faculty of Medicine

Luke Mattey - Cardiff University School of Medicine

Lucy Reason - University of Exeter Medical School

Meghan Minnis - University of Glasgow School of Medicine

Nicola Hunter - Ulster University Medical School 

Nicole Turnbull - University of Warwick Medical School

Raghav Khanna - King's College London GKT School of Medical Education

Richard Huynh - Newcastle University School of Medical Education

Sakshi Roy - Queen's University Belfast School of Medicine

Sabira Obeda - Aston University Medical School

Samantha Unsworth-White - University of Birmingham Medical School

Sander Ianniello - Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry

Shereen Ahmad - University of Nottingham - Lincoln Medical School

Snehith Palagani - University of Central Lancashire School of Medicine

Sophie Young - University of Sunderland School of Medicine

Theotime De Rancourt - Swansea University Medical School

Samuel Burton - Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry

Wing Kiu Chou (Kerry Chou) - Norwich Medical School

Yahya Dakri - Anglia Ruskin University School of Medicine

Yash Sewpaul - Lancaster University Medical School

We wish all our finalists the best of luck on the day!

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