RCSEd Welcomes Proposed Plans to a Smokefree Generation

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20 Oct 2023

The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh welcomes the proposed measures to create a smokefree generation.

RCSEd President Professor Rowan Parks commented:

Illnesses caused by smoking, including lung cancer, remain a leading cause of death in the UK and wider world. As well as the increased risk of developing a range of diseases, smokers also have an increased risk of complications when undergoing any type of surgery. 

The aim to end tobacco smoking amongst the next generation, and action to tackle youth vaping, are therefore positive steps towards improving the public health of our young people and easing the long-term burden on our NHS.

Read the full consultation here: Creating a smokefree generation and tackling youth vaping - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)


About The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh was founded in 1505.It is the oldest Surgical College in the world with just over 31,000 members in 100 countries, almost half of whom are overseas, touching every stage of the career path from medical student to consultant. We are a family of Surgeons, Dental Surgeons and members of the Surgical and Dental teams who put Patient Safety at the heart of everything they do. Our high quality education and examinations ensure that standards are upheld across all specialities and in all countries.

With our interest in professional standards, the College’s primary role – and the main concern of our Fellows and Members – is to ensure the safety of our patients and provide them with the best possible care. We do this by championing the highest standards of surgical and dental practice; through our provision of courses and educational programmes, training, examinations, and Continuous Professional Development; our liaison with external medical bodies; and by influencing healthcare policy across the UK.

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Issued by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. For further information, please contact comms@rcsed.ac.uk

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