Policy and Consultations

Policy Development and Consultation

The College regularly responds to consultations from the UK Government, devolved parliaments and assemblies, the NHS and other healthcare organisations.

To find out how to get involved in shaping our consultation responses and wider policy work click here

If you would like to make us aware of a consultation you think we should respond to please email l.davies@rcsed.ac.uk

Consultation Response Documents



Standards for Medical Education and Training14/10/2016 4:54pmA copy of RCSEd's response to the GMC's consultation on their draft standards for medical education and training.Scotland, Education, England, GMC, Northern Ireland, Standards, Training, WalesAdobe PDF Document993KB
Welsh Government Green Paper on Health24/10/2016 9:28amA copy of RCSEd's response to the Welsh Government's Green Paper on Health.Standards, Wales, Accreditation, Cultural Change, Expert Panels, Green Paper, Integration, Leadership, Patient Engagement, Peer Review, Prevention, Transparency, Welsh GovernmentMicrosoft Word Document33KB
GDC Guidance on Candour24/10/2016 9:33amA copy of RCSEd's response to the GDC's consultation on their draft Guidance on Candour.Scotland, England, Northern Ireland, Standards, Wales, Guidance, Candour, Dental, GDCAdobe PDF Document418KB
NHS IT systems24/10/2016 10:03amA summary of RCSEd's response to the NHS Digital (formerly HSCIC) and AoMRC project to determine the clinical standards that NHS IT systems need to meet by 2020.England, Standards, AoMRC, HSCIC, IT, NHS DigitalMicrosoft Word Document13KB
Adult Impatient Survey 201524/10/2016 10:20amA copy of RCSEd's response to the release of the CQC’s 2015 adult inpatient survey.Standards, CQC, Social Care, Patient SurveyAdobe PDF Document109KB
Sepsis Guidance24/10/2016 10:24amA copy of RCSEd's response to the publication of new NICE guidance on the diagnosing and treatment of Sepsis.England, Standards, NICE, SepsisAdobe PDF Document125KB

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