International Postgraduate Deanery - Information for NHS Trusts & Health Boards

The College has been working with Trusts and Health Boards for over 25 years to support international trainees in high quality training posts in the UK. We are seeking to maintain existing partnerships as well as to establish new ones in order to ensure a seamless process for Trusts. We are also seeking to promote the Trust/Health Board partners who have demonstrated best practice in provision of training - as well as acknowledging the work of individual clinicians.

The International Postgraduate Deanery (IPD) facilitates attracting enthusiastic, qualified doctors into high quality training posts within the NHS. The programme allows international medical graduates (IMGs) to hone their skills under the supervision of NHS educational supervisors for 12-24 months, before returning to their country of residence to put their training into practice.

The IPD’s training programme offers Trusts and Health Boards: 

  • Quality assurance
    • Trainees receive a comprehensive College induction, which covers non-technical skills, as well as introducing them to the NHS, and UK practice.
    • The College quality assures training for the duration of the post, and will offer direct support where requested by the Trust.
  • Administration
    • The IPD team works with Trusts/Health Boards to deliver all necessary documentation from and for international trainees. This saves time and resource for increasingly stretched NHS HR departments.
  • The sourcing of trainees (Route 2 only)
    • The IPD will offer a shortlist of candidates for interview in the relevant surgical specialty/subspecialty.
    • The Trust/Health Board will select the candidates they wish to interview, facilitated by the IPD team.
    • The Trust/Health Board can assess the candidates’ suitability to work as part of their team, without expending valuable HR resource prior to appointment.

If you are interested in initiating a partnership with the International Postgraduate Deanery, please email for further details.

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