RCSEd Podcast
Let’s Talk Surgery: The RCSEd Podcast brings you the latest news from the College, providing informative, educational and entertaining content covering a range of healthcare topics and hosting a variety of expert speakers from the RCSEd membership and beyond. If you'd like to ask a question of our hosts or submit a topic for discussion please contact us at LTS@rcsed.ac.uk
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Let's Talk Surgery: The RCSEd Podcast
Podcast episodes from October 2021
6 episodes | View all
Episode #42: "Celebrating Black History Month with Miss Samantha Tross and Professor Frank Chinegwundoh"
29 October 2021 |Black history month is a time to reflect on the struggles and successes of the black community. On the podcast, Greg and Sesi are joined by 2 pioneering black surgeons – the first black female consultant orthopaedic surgeon in the UK Miss Samantha Tross and Professor Frank Chinegwundoh to discuss black history month, their journeys as black surgeons and celebrate their successes. Inspirational episode with open, honest, frank and hard hitting discussions on a range of subject matter including race and how we can shape the future.
Episode #41 "Global Surgery 3 – An audience with Devi Shetty, Cardiac Surgeon and revolutionary"
22 October 2021 |Straight out of the Netflix Surgeon’s cut series – Dr Devi Shetty is a cardiac surgeon who provides a fascinating insight into his journey through training to being a pioneer of cardiac surgery in India. We discuss his fundamental mission of providing affordable healthcare to all at the point of need all over the world. Devi also talks passionately about the work being done by Narayana Healthcare across India – lessons that can be learnt by other nations across the world.
Let's Talk Surgery Podcast, Surgical Crossroads: Choosing your specialty - "The Rural Episode"
18 October 2021 |This episode we focus on rural surgery and meet two somewhat unusual surgeons, Gordon McFarlane and Stuart Fergusson – people who do things a bit differently in a very unique setting. Rural surgery is clearly unconventional in terms of career path, and both Gordon and Stuart describe how they essentially carved out their own training programmes. Those already in the specialty have been working hard to raise its profile among general surgeons and at government level. For trainees whose interest has been piqued by today’s episode, our guests' advice is to seek out a broad range of surgical and wider life experience. In particular look into taster weeks and travelling fellowships and explore the opportunities on offer from the Viking Surgeons Association and the Faculty of Remote, Rural & Humanitarian Healthcare at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.
Episode #40: "Liz O’Riordan - On the other side of the Knife #1"
15 October 2021 |From breast cancer surgeon to breast cancer surgeon with breast cancer, Woman of the Year Nominee Liz O’Riordan joins Sesi and greg on the podcast this week. Phenomenal, heartfelt, passionate, eloquent, honest and moving reflections from this amazing retired breast surgeon who shares her journey through diagnosis of breast cancer, treatment, recurrence as well as the psychological impact. Prepare to go through an emotional rollercoaster but learn a lot about life on the other side of the knife! www.liz.oriordan.co.uk
Let's Talk Surgery Podcast, Surgical Crossroads: Choosing your specialty - "The Paediatrics Episode"
11 October 2021 |Welcome to the Paediatrics episode of the RCSEd’s Careers podcast. Our panel today are Consultant Paediatric Surgeons Christopher Driver and Robin Garrett-Cox, and our very own Sesi Hotonu, who has gone from being a host of the podcast to a guest. Aside from the obvious pleasure and rewards that come from working with children, our guests put forward an array of reasons to pursue a career in paediatrics – from the joy and interest in the variety of procedures; the life changing outcomes of a simple operation; to coming across something new every day. It’s also a small, supportive specialty and a real community of colleagues who are there for each other to provide help and advice.
Let's Talk Surgery Podcast, Surgical Crossroads: "the Maxillofacial surgery episode"
4 October 2021 |In today's episode of our careers series we focus on oral and maxillofacial surgery with a panel of Manchester-based guests. Pursuing a career in maxillofacial surgery is a long process which requires dedication and commitment. Our panel are passionate about the variety of sub-specialisation and learning opportunities on offer, and they emphasise the unique family feel of the specialty, which they describe as key to their continued commitment and success.