RCSEd President Responds to GMC’s Review into Gross Negligence, Manslaughter, and Culpable Homicide

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06 Jun 2019

In response to the release of the GMC’s review into gross negligence manslaughter and culpable homicide, RCSEd President, Professor Mike Griffin, said:

“It is positive to see that the GMC has acknowledged that their relationship with doctors was harmed following Dr Bawa Garba’s case and is committed to rebuilding these relationships moving forwards.

Doctors must not work in fear of prosecution, particularly when systemic factors lead to difficulties in providing safe care.  The report acknowledges this and states that the system a doctor is working in should always be taken into account in any gross negligence manslaughter investigation.

We fully support the GMC’s research into why some groups of doctors are referred to the GMC for fitness to practise concerns more than others and we are committed to working with the GMC to finding the root causes of this and addressing these.

Similarly we look forward to supporting the UK-wide review into the wellbeing of doctors and medical students which should tie into NHS England and NHS Improvement’s full workforce plan as it is developed as well as the wellbeing plans currently being produced by NHS Education Scotland and the Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency . The wellbeing of doctors is one of RCSEd’s highest priorities and we are clear that ensuring the wellbeing of our surgeons will lead to better patient safety.”


About The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

RCSEd was first incorporated as the Barber Surgeons of Edinburgh in 1505, and is the oldest surgical corporation in the world with memberships approaching 25,000 professionals in over 100 countries worldwide. The College promotes the highest standards of surgical and dental practice through its interest in education, training and examinations, its liaison with external medical bodies and representation of the modern surgical and dental workforce. It is also home to the UK’s only Faculty of Surgical Trainers, open to all those with an interest in surgical training regardless of College affiliation. Find RCSEd on Twitter www.twitter.com/RCSEd and on Facebook www.facebook.com/rcsed

The College is based at Nicolson Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9DW and can be reached on (0)131 527 1600 or mail@rcsed.ac.uk. In March 2014, a new base opened in Birmingham, catering to the 80% of the College’s UK membership who are based in England and Wales.

For all media enquiries please contact the Communications Team on +447467 485145 or email comms@rcsed.ac.uk 


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