FRRHH News items from May 2024

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The Introduction to Humanitarian Healthcare Course: Three Years On

The Introduction to Humanitarian Healthcare Course: Three Years On  - Read more

In a time when being part of the digital age was more crucial than ever, as the world was grappling with the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, the Introduction to Humanitarian Healthcare Course was established in 2021 as a valuable new resource for members interested in learning more about humanitarian healthcare.

FRRHH in Surgeons' News

Surgeons' News issues featuring The Faculty of Remote, Rural and Humanitarian Healthcare.

  • Surgeons' News March 2019

    March 2019

  • Surgeons' News September 2019

    September 2019

  • Surgeons' News December 2019

    December 2019

  • Surgeons' News September 2020

    September 2020

  • Surgeons' News December 2020

    December 2020

  • Surgeons' News March 2021

    March 2021

  • Surgeons' News June 2021

    June 2021

  • Surgeons' News June 2022

    June 2022

  • Surgeons' News June 2023

    June 2023

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